Yes, this can be done using the Styles and Formatting dialog. How to change styles in a document is described in the Writer Guide for AOO. You may need to do a search to download it. In addition, you should also use these custom styles to create a template for future use. That will give you access to these styles anytime you need it. How to do this is also explained in the Writer Guide. (It is an excellent source for how to use the Writer component for AOO when doing any number of tasks.) I no longer use AOO, so I can not give you complete instructions, but in the long term you need to know what is contained in this guide. Download it and study its contents.


On 6/3/20 21:15, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
I have a document originally done on a system I no longer have access to
which has custom styles I would like to use for a new project. Is there
an easier way to to transfer them from that document to my present
system than opening the old document and a new one and recreating then
one by on in the new document?

Thanks in advance for your advice

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