On 05/06/2020 13:25, Haim Giloh wrote:
> Dear Amin,
> Thank you so much for your detailed instructions to try to resolve the
> malfunctioning of AOO version 4.1.7.
> Because of serious health problems, only today I was able to apply them on
> my computer.
> The first three steps seemed to progress correctly. However, I hesitated
> apply the fourth step and delete any false Registry issues. The scan of
the windows registry by Wise Registry Cleaner Free revealed
>1785 problems, "22 of them unsafe to be deleted". The list of problems is
> follows, but those 22 are not specified
> ActiveX/Components         611
> Software paths                    34
> Application paths               174
> File types                           328
> Firewall settings                   12
> User MRU lists                   474
> Uninstaller                          103
> Shared DLLs                        12
> MUI cache                            34
> Invalid context menu items    3
>Please instruct me how to continue/

> Sincerely,
> Haim Giloh

On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 2:52 PM Amin Jacek Pędziwiater
<aminanima...@aol.com.invalid> wrote:

> First of all uninstall AOO using special program (I suggest Revo
> Uninstaller Free). During uninstallation, remove all the remains
> (registry entries, folders).
> Secondly, in Control Panel settings select Folders and in available
> options select "Show hidden files and folders".
> Thirdly: Run Windows Explorer to see and navigate the files and folders
> that are on your disk.
> Open (by mouse click) the disk view C:\, further open the folder "Users"
> and open your user folder under the name you are logged into Windows.
> Then open the folder "AppData" and further on "Roaming" and this folder
> contains the folder "OpenOffice". Select it and right-click "delete"
> from the menu.
> Fourth: Use some program (I suggest Wise Registry Cleaner Free) to
> thoroughly scan the system registry and fix any errors automatically.
> At this stage, you can set up a new Apache OpenOffice installation
> hoping it will be correct and clean from errors.
> Now my note about AOO's cooperation with Windows 10: Win 10 has a
> built-in Windows Defender protection program, which sometimes (I had
> such a case) blocks some access and operation (read-write) functions
> when the program is not running in Administrator mode. This applies to
> the temporary AOO file "soffice.bin" and if you have trouble saving the
> OO file, open the Windows Defender tab in the system settings and then
> select "Operations". (or "Action") and check "Allow" for the blocked
> file.
> You can download the programs I mentioned ( Revo Uninstaller and Wise
> Registry Cleaner) from the sites that make them available by using a
> search engine in your web browser.
> The AOO installation package of course I recommend to download from the
> official OpenOffice.org website.
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "Haim Giloh" <gilo...@gmail.com>
> To: users@openoffice.apache.org
> Sent: 5/29/2020 12:14:06 PM
> Subject: Malfunctioning and fatal error of AOO
> >From: Haim Giloh <gilo...@gmail.com>
> >
> >I am not a computer expert;
> >English is not my mother language.
> >Computer OS: Windows 10.
> >Present AOO version: 4.7.1
> >
> >Writing, editing, saving and opening of saved files with AOO has become
> >impossible.
> >
> >Details:
> >1.  On opening AOO,
> >a. Most times, *NOT* the first AOO window, *‘Open Office 4’ * is displayed
> >*,* but the second one, *OpenOffice Document Recovery’*.
> >
> >b.  Sometimes the ‘Open Office 4’ window is displayed correctly. On
> >the following
> >page, where choosing an option for writing, after 20-30 sec, AOO switches
> >suddenly to the second window.
> >         Hence, writing and saving a file became impossible.
> >
> >2. The second window, *‘OpenOffice Document Recovery’* :
> >On the first row, a statement appears: “Due to an unexpected error, AOO
> >crashed. all the files you are working on will be saved”, etc.
> >
> >3. The *‘Start recovery’*  window
> >On clicking *OK*:
> >
> >a. If recovery was successful, clicking *‘Next’, *returns correctly the
> >empty page for writing. However, it switches automatically back to the
> >second window, as described in section 1b. above.
> >
> >         Hence, a vicious cycle is created.
> >
> >b. If recovery failed, clicking *‘Next’* returns a new window that states:
> >
> >“void_this call framework::AutoRecovery: implts_ collectActiveViewNames
> >(structframework:: Autorecovery:TDocumentInfo&) need at document, at the
> >very least".
> >
> >The consequence of the impaired functioning:
> >writing, saving and opening of files stored on the computer is impossible.
> >
> >Trial to solve the problem:
> >Unsubscription and reinstalling AOO. It did not solve the problem.
> >
> >
> >Please instruct me or help me otherwise to get AOO working correctly
> again.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >Haim Giloh
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