The instillation directory is in /opt/ for Ubuntu. After you run Apache Office, you will find the configuration files in home/.openoffice/ with home being your home directory.

Reading a second time, you will find two directories in /opt/: libreoffice and openoffice 4. Enter and run this in a terminal:

/opt/openoffice 4/program/soffice.  openoffice should open.


On 10/23/20 09:42, Adam Gouge wrote:
To whom it may concern,

  This is going to seem ridiculous, I'm sorry for the foolish inquiry.
  I recently installed OpenOffice using the DEB installer from the
website however I cannot find the directory in which it installed - it
did not automatically populate in my launcher.
I'm using Ubuntu with the KDE plasma desktop environment.

  I tried using the launch commands from the terminal but it launches
libre office which I also have installed.

  If someone would be able to help me that would be awesome. Thank you.

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