At 12:13 12/04/2021 -0500, Kristi Nelson wrote:
I have a csv file that I am trying to edit in openoffice so the
leading zeros (for zipcodes) in the file appear.
The first question you need to answer is why you need to keep the
data in .csv format. If you save your document as a spreadsheet, your
problem will disappear.
I am able to get that accomplished in open office, but once I save
as a csv file again, it reverts back to the original file where they
are hidden. Can someone please help me with this?
If you have to use .csv format (and I'm yet to be convinced that you
do), the solution is simple:
o Ensure the cells containing your codes are formatted as Text.
o When saving, in the Export Text File dialogue, ensure "Quote all
text cells" is ticked.
o When reopening, in the Text Import dialogue, under "Other options",
ensure "Quoted field as text" is ticked.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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