
This sounds more like that the QuickStarter is running. To check go to
Tools->Options->Memory and at the bottom of the dialog window there is
an entry Loan OpenOffice at System Startup. If the check box has a check
mark in it then the QuickStarter is active and needs to be closed before
trying to install a new version.

Most newer systems do not need the QuickStarter running. If the box is
checked, uncheck it and that will turn it off permanently.

Keith N. McKenna

On 2021-04-30 22:34, jd1008 wrote:
> One of the problems I have always had with windows is that even when I
> exit an application, the app does not not fully exit. For some reason,
> it stays resident, but not visible. So I have always had to use other
> apps to display all running apps, and kill the one that should have died
> in the first place.
> On 4/30/21 8:06 PM, David Belina wrote:
>> Try shutting your Windows machine down and turned off, restart and
>> before you do anything else, try to use the install.  This should be
>> the quickest way t stop the installer from starting twice.
>> On April 30, 2021 at 8:01:09 PM, Lix Newton ( wrote:
>> Hello Apache
>> I have been trying to install the version 4.1.9 but everytime I run the
>> installation wizard it gets stuck at the window where I have to indicate
>> if I want to create a start link on the desktop - another window pops
>> up, saying "Please exit OpenOffice 4.1.9 and the OpenOffice 4.1.9
>> Quickstarter before you continue. If you are using a multi-user system,
>> also make sure that no other user has OpenOffice 4.1.9 open" and if I
>> hit the OK button or close the window down, it aborts the installation.
>> Help please, I need to print some OpenOffice files out today for a job I
>> have to tomorrow.
>> Many thanks
>> Liz Newton

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