Dear OO,
I'm using OO for creating a book to contain a collection of 8,600
dictionary entries that are in spreadsheet format. (My previous collection,
of 7,000 entries, was accepted and complimented by the President of Wolfson
College, Oxford University.  It's a novel type of collection.  48-hour
Books made the finished book from the pdf I made using OO.)
*The Problem:*
I place a section of the spreadsheet on each page of the text document,
within the margins.  It often happens that two or more sections of
spreadsheet will cascade into a mess, leaving several blank text pages
below them.  It seems to happen if I try to adjust the position of the
spreadsheet section on the text page.

I've tried to figure out the problem, but cannot be 100% sure.  Can you
kindly advise me?
(Happy to email you a PDF of the first book, *The Global Evolution of Words*
Thank you!
Kim Salisbury
PO Box 304
Bodfish CA 93205  USA
760-223-5970 text ok

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