At 13:53 16/01/2022 +1100, Paul Collins wrote:
I typed a block of text into Mail on my iPad and sent the email to my iMac (late 2017 running Mojave 10.14.6). Opening Mail on the iMac, the email had been received successfully.

After then opening AOO 4.1.11 on my I Mac and creating a new blank text document, I then copied the text from the received email in Mail and attempted to paste it into the blank AOO text document. The result was gibberish ; i.e. the text had disappeared with numerous lengthy blank spaces in lieu, 2 (yellow highlighted) squiggly red lines (which AOO generates to indicate unfamiliar/incorrect spelling in its normal operation in Text documents etc.), more blank space and finally the cursor indicating the end of the pasted text. Cursor position is green highlighted before and after paste operation.

The text you copied was white on a black background. So you have pasted white text into a new document with a white background. And white text on a white background is naturally illegible. The misspelling underlines clarify that the text is genuinely there.

You could:
o select the text and change the text colour - perhaps to black or to "Automatic", or
o select the text and go to Format | Default Formatting.

More simply, you could avoid carrying the text colour property over in the paste action by using Edit | Paste Special... (Or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste, and then selecting "Unformatted text" in the Paste Special dialogue.

(Oh, and it is "sought" that you mean, not "sort".)

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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