At 23:46 02/11/2022 +1300, Frank Noname wrote:
Please view snip capture and help me with correcting what I do to ensure full doc printout. Currently, I can print all only by using 'Selected Cells'

Your print dialogue indicates that only rows up to row 10 are going to be printed if you *don't* choose "Selected cells". Someone has (no doubt with every good intention) already suggested that you need to create a suitable Print Range to enable printing of all of your material. But the truth is the opposite: that you already have a Print Range defined which is causing your problem. Perhaps this was created before you added rows after row 10: a clue here is that subsequent rows appear to have a slightly smaller row height. Perhaps you even inherited the spreadsheet - with its Print Range - from another user?

If (as it appears) you have a Print Range defined that includes only rows up to row 10, then only that part of your spreadsheet will print: that is by design and a useful facility, of course. Your experience with "Selected cells" confirms this, since this setting overrides any Print Range. That makes sense: you wouldn't select a particular range of cells to print unless you meant that to happen regardless of any defined Print Range.

So all you need to do is to remove the unwanted Print Range, by going to Format | Print Ranges > | Remove.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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