Ian -

Nope, not a dumbo :-) In addition to Elaine's suggestions, you might try 
looking for the Zoom entry in the View menu. There's also a Zoom slider control 
at the bottom right corner of the Writer window.

- Robert

From: ELAINE MURSZEWSKI <safire...@aol.com.INVALID>
Sent: August 17, 2023 12:16
To: users@openoffice.apache.org <users@openoffice.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Problem open office text

First, Ian you're not a dumbo.  If you haven't closed your document, try Ctrl + 
Z which is an undo command.  You may also open the document and you will see a 
size of font drop down, you can do a Ctrl + A which is for "select all" on your 
document then choose 14 font size from the drop down.  That should fix it.

    On Thursday, August 17, 2023 at 12:11:26 PM EDT, Ian Flretcher 
<fletche...@proton.me.invalid> wrote:


A five page text document I was editing suddenly went to five pages at
around 12.5% of size, I am unable to get it back to whole indidual
pages. Sorry I am a 74 yr old compter dumbo.

Thanks for your help.

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