Thank you for your patient help, Duncan. That was in fact the problem - it was loading every single one of them. It's better now.

I'd seen that earlier in the thread but had brushed past it too fast. I knew I'd installed only one dictionary and I was so sure I didn't have any others I didn't check.


Duncan Lithgow wrote:

Leslie wrote:

The fun begins when, as I said, I type in a spelling error with the automatic checker on, then right-click. Memory goes up to 555 MB before everything freezes, and the disk drive keeps whirring until I hit the power button.
I think it will be okay if I remember not to spellcheck. It would be nice to have that luxury, though.

You need to find your dictionary.lst file. Mine was in

Open that and see if it's loading more dictionaries than you need. Trim as needed.

That is a known problem in the fc3 rpm of OOo. It is also mentioned a bit earlier in this archive.

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