Brian schrieb:

Delores Wynn wrote:

I also would like your program off of my computer.  Thank you.

Delores Wynn

I don't wish to sound rude, Delores, but you can remove OpenOffice from your computer the same way as for any other program, regardless of the operating system (whatever it is).


Come on brian,
there are people out there, witch definetly have no idea what a computer is all about and they just want to use it like you use a car if you are not a mechanic.
Just press the start button and lets surf.
Possibly she gets a preconfigured MS system and someone has installed this "cheap office" for her, and now she just stumbles over it. a normal DAU has no idea how to install or uninstall software if there is no autostart function by inserting the cd :-) i guess even in australia (thats the place where the alps are NOT located, for our american readers) there are normal DAU's with no knowledge on how to install/uninstall Software if the software does this not by itself.
Be patient to this kind of human beeings! Not everybody could be an expert in the field that he/she is dealing with [e.g. see the american president ;-)]


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