I'm using OpenOffice 1.1.4 on Windows XP SP2.
My setup is a laptop with two screens, the native one and another monitor plugged in as monitor #2.
The screen setup in windows is to Extend my Windows Desktop onto the 2nd monitor.

When I'm working with both monitors, OpenOffice works just fine. Sometimes I have OO on one screen, sometimes the other.
If I click on File/Properties, (Alt-F, Alt-I), a popup appears on one of the screens with the file properties. Fine, so far.

I undocked my laptop, and took it to a meeting. OpenOffice opened okay, but when I typed Alt-F, Alt-I, the popup was nowhere to be seen! Presumably it was being displayed on the monitor that wasn't hooked up! There didn't seem to be any way to get the popup to appear on the laptop screen. I was able to hit Enter to exit (sounds backwards :-) the popup. When I plugged the laptap back into the docking station, the popup appeared on the 2nd monitor.

Please fix OO so that windows & popups appear on only the monitors that are hooked up!

Steve Kelem

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