On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 13:54 +1300, Jim wrote:
> Hi,
>      I have been trying to produce Conference name tags using the Label 
> program. The top line of text was produced on a curve using FontWork and 
> this seemed to work fine. when I attempted to Synchronize the labels 
> (two columns of five on an A4 sheet) the Font Work text moved sideways 
> about half an inch on label #2 through #10. After trying several times I 
> gave up and started again, this time inserting the 2nd to 10th label by 
> copy and paste. This was successful so I typed in the individual names 
> in a text box in the centre of the label.
> I saved each sheet and later opened to print and found that the FontWork 
> text had moved again, so my time and effort was again wasted.
> Has anyone got a solution to this odd behaviour? Any help would be 
> greatly appreciated.
> I am using OOo 1.1.3 on a Win 98 machine.
> Regards
> Jim McCaughan

Check the anchoring on the image. You may find anchor to character
solves the problem.
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