Hi Umairah,
Here's a response from the list.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: [users] SOS
Date:   Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:34:31 +1100
From:   Kamal Naouri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:       users@openoffice.org
To:     users@openoffice.org

I've have that problem. Powerpoint presentations take a long time to open with OOo (some would even take 10 minutes), and as far as I know there is nothing that can be done about it, yet.

If you're only viewing the file then try to download the MS powerpoint viewer from the microsoft site. It's a great utility for viewing and printing those files.


----Original Message Follows----
From: Klemens Häckel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just a guess,
Do You have sufficient memory ? can You open small ppt files but not big ones maybe ?



Anthony Chilco escribió:

Hi Umairah,
Sorry I have no more ideas for you. If you reply to the list, you'll have more than 1000 others to help you.

Umairah Daud wrote:

Hi Anthony,

Eventually it is possible to view the ppt files. However, it takes a longer time than the normal start up time.

Anthony Chilco wrote:

Hi Umairah,
Are you able to open any ppt files? Is there any chance that the files you're trying to open have been password protected? If you can open some files and not others I would suspect a fault in the files. If no ppt files will open at all, try running the open office setup program and select 'repair'.

Umairah Daud wrote:


I am currently an open office user who is really glad of the fact that there is a free office suite equivalent to Microsoft Office. However, I regret to inform you that lately I am having problem with the presentation application each time I open the files. The PowerPoint Import status is always showing that is is processing and yet it will always be fail to be completed till it is then marked as "Not responding". Why did this problem persists as I do not have such problem with other open office application such as text document, spreadsheet..etc?. Please help me to resolve this problem. It is very crucial that this matter is solved immediately as my job depends on the presentation files that I need to view every now and then.

Thanks for your kind attention.


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