* Ennio-Sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020305, 00:37]:
> Hi all!
> Could somebody confirm the following behaviour?
> File > Open > New > Spreadsheet
> Mouse on cell A1, type in whatever you like (in my case "=3*12"), then
> do: Insert > Names > Define (give a name: i.e. "rname" and save the
> spreadsheet (e.g. 'test.sxc')
> Click on Sheet2 on the bottom tag, go to cell A1 (or any other) and type
> ='file:///home/username/test.sxc'#Sheet1.rname
> #NAME? will be shown in the cell because the formula is not recognised
> as valid (the same happens if you mistype the valid formula, which is:
> ='file:///home/username/test.sxc'#Sheet1.A1
> adding, for example, a '.' before the '#'.
> Well, at this point, if you close the spreadsheet it closes smoothly,
> but when you try to reopen it it keeps on saying 'Calculating' (in the
> bottom bar of the gray first screen) untill you kill the relative
> process (in linux) or get a segmentation fault.
> Do you think this is a bug or it is documented somewhere that happens if
> you disregard the '#NAME?' warning?
> Thanks for your attention.
> Regards,
>       Ennio.

This is what I found in Help: (#NAME? > error messages)
invalid names (instead of Err:525 cell contains #NAME?) An identifier
could not be evaluated, for example, no valid reference, no valid domain
name, no column/row label, no macro, incorrect decimal divider, add-in
not found.
No mention of possible consequences ;)

[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.   \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.              )=(
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say) ]

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