Gene Heskett wrote:

I personally would like to see it succeed, by either name, blowing M$Office out of both the enterprise and at home just because I'm not an M$ fan. But IMO, blocking the common user from filing a bug report is not in your best interests in the long run. If thats not how I was supposed to interpret that, then please feel free to correct me, and I'l go register (I thought I did that when it was installed and I chose the register now option because I'm on DSL) and file a proper bug report.


Hi Gene,

Just to clarify one point for you. When you install and "Register" OOo, this just collects statistics on the installations. You can search Issuezilla (the bug-tracking part of OOo), but to post you have to register on the site, just as you do with many forums.

I agree the whole set-up is not really user-friendly and you are not the first to be confused about the effects of registration. Like many areas of life it improves a little with familiarity.


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