
That's a lot of questions!

See some answers inline. I also encourage you to read some of the
documentation on the web site to find out more. We are only volunteers.

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On Mon, 2005-03-14 at 11:32 -0600, Deborah Champlin wrote:
> I'm an exasperated Word user, having bought a "loaded" computer
> online, only to find @ a critical time that it was "Loaded" with
> trials, one of which was my Office 2003.  That trial ended right when
> I started an 8-week project that needed me to be able to use Office
> 2003, and not being willing to pay >$200 for a full version from
> retailers, I'm looking for something that I can use instead.
> Open Office sounds perfect, but I'm wondering several things.  Should
> I download the 1.1.4 version, or go for the BETA and help with its'
> development?  

For beginning, I'd stick with 1.1.4. 2.0 Beta should only be for testing
and not if you want to be productive all the time.

> When I choose the version I want to download, then do I need to
> uninstall my Office Suite entirely, or what's recommended ?  

You should be able to use them side by side without any problems. They
don't share any program files.

> When I create a document in your equivalent of Word, and send it to my
> boss who is dedicated to Word, will she be able to open and read it
> easily?

You will have to save as a Word or Excel, rather than the OOo native
format. (I recommend saving all in native format and exporting to
MSOffice only when you are sending files).

>   As a consultant in the medical world, I'm going to be creating many
> documents, charts, power point presentations, so need these doc's to
> interface seamlessly with my boss's software when I share them with
> her.  Does your OpenOffice have a power point equivalent?  

Yes. Impress. Read up on the manuals, how to's and such to use it to
it's fullest. You will have to test Impress -> PowerPoint conversion as
I think this is the hardest one. (MS does not share their file formats,
so OOo does a best guess - and mostly it is good, but cannot be

> I'm just learning that and need to be able to create presentations as
> well.  
> Looking forward to hearing from you soon, because I need to get back
> into full swing with my word-processing tasks, and hate to spend money
> on Office 2003 if I can help promote your product and have something
> superior in the process.  Please respond to my business email:
> Regards,
> Deborah Champlin
> Perioperative Consultant

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Crystle Numan, B.Sc., Web Developer
Guided Vision: the possibilities are endless

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