> I am an old (73yrs) newbie.

> Thank God for Open Office!


I have a 20 Gb hard drive on my laptop and I'm starting to have space
issues as well.  However, I wouldn't blame the strain on OpenOffice.org.
According to OOo's website, the system requirement is about 1/4 of a Gb.
Therefore, if you have 15 Gb to work with, OOo is taking up less than 2%
of your drive space.  If I were you I would look to other things on your
computer that are taking up space --- downloaded files from the
internet (take a look in the web browser's temporary directory), movie
and music files (MPG, AVI, RAM, MP3, etc.).  I think this is your best
bet on reclaiming drive space; not messing with OOo.

Good luck,

On Mar 18 14:00PM, David Pringle wrote:
> I am really desperate here!  I am an old (73yrs) newbie.  Thank God
> for Open Office!  Living on a fixed income from Social Security is not
> fun.  My problem is space...my little computer only has 15G and I'm
> trying to figure out how to delete many of the options in Open
> Office...for example, spreadsheets, etc.  Can't figure out how to do
> it.  Is there an easy way that I can understand?  When I click on Open
> Office folder there are a jillion items and none identified.
> Thanks for your help...and if you can't answer I understand that also.
> (What's the name of the Sun Systems CEO...Scott something or
> other...used to be in my Youth Group in Michigan many years ago.)
> David L. Pringle

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