Hi All, Steve and Frank

My Initial intent was to move this strictly to the DB list but then I lost at 
least one message from Steve. That entailed my going to the OpenOffice 
mailing list archives and then to the OpenOffice DB archives. Now there is an 
experience I DO NOT wish to repeat. Let me explain because others may be 
having the same problem. Our company has 2 offices with a T1 line into the 
one across the way. We in our office, corporate HQ and there are 3 of us, 
receive our connection by means of wireless router and a wireless bridge on 
our side so there may be some possible issues with our connection. Let me 
rephrase that there are definitely some issues with our connection. By now 
you are saying so what. Well the issue is that from the time I click my 
bookmark in Big_Nate which as you will recall is the IBM laptop it takes 5 to 
10 minutes for me to connect to Open Office.org. No I am not kidding on the 
time. I have timed it. Normally I spend the time reading Slashdot. If change 
pages such as go to the BB archives another 5 to 10 minutes for the next page 
to appear. One could say that you are having a bad connection day except it 
took me 3 or 4 tries of over a hour each to subscribe to the DB mailing list. 
Ok, getting to the websites is slow. Now in additional I made a posting 
several days ago asking if the DB users list was the right list for newbies. 
That posting served two purposes. First to see if the list was active. I did 
NOT receive my own posting but some time later I did receive a posting from 
Frank. In fact this was the only posting I did receive so I still do not know 
if the list is active or not. Now considering I am receiving over 200 
postings a day off at least 5 lists, not all Linux, including OpenOffice I 
would have a hard time believing that my e-mail is down. I only raise this 
issue as to why I am cross posting the message to both OpenOffice Users and 
Open Office DB users. Simply placed I have NO confidence that this will post 
to DB users and OpenOffice user just does not seem to be the right place.

Anyway to continue with the technical issue.

> Hi Frank.
> Whichever box has the mysql server software installed on it,
> Reality_check I would guess is C1. It is acting as your
> server even though it's not a dedicated server. The other
> box, big_nate would be C2. It should not have MySQL server
> software installed on it but should simply have the mysql
> client software installed on it. You can have two servers
> on the same network but they must run on different ports.
> Our task is to get one server one one client running so we
> can forget about multiport servers just now.

In regards to the above I did the following:
1. Remover MySQL server from Big_Nate.
2. Attempted to start MySQL in Reality_Check

[In case you are wandering the computers are lettered a, b, c et with the 
first letter of the name being the letter. A is Alley Oop and all the rest 
are named after comic book characters hopefully with the appropriate commic 
book name which describes the user.]

Anyway, found that my attempts to use a different directory 
than /var/lib/mysql had locked the computer into "Can not connect to MySQL 
through socket /var/lib/mysql.sock (2)" again. Attempts to change this 
directory have been, in time elapsed not work time, a 3 week long battle 
which I have now placed on hold. Anyway the easiest way for me to solve that 
issue was to remove the mysql RPMs, power down, reinstall the rpm, power down 
and presto I was in after 45 minutes and several attempts. There has to be an 
easier way but I can not imagine what it is that I could not screw up so even 
though this sounds ridiculous to you people welcome to the world of a  newbie 
which actually I believe should be tenderfoot not newbie.

Anyway, no more story, this being just enough to give you a feeling of my 

> Assuming this is the case then sitting at big_nate, you can
> type:
> mysql -h IP-address-of-reality_check -u your-user-name -p
> test
> type in your password and access the test database

I then did as Steve suggested here entering
mysql -h -u root -p test

Password appeared
I entered <password>

and I got:
Error: Access denied for user.

Just to check connection I just accessed Reality_Check from Big_Nate by fish 
and SSH which worked just fine.

Also just to check that MySQL server is working I did:
show databases; and got

I then did:
drop database GorkSearch2;

followed by
show databases; and got
Which I believe proves that MySQL server is functioning in some capacity.

> Can you do that? Leave all the other stuff for later. The
> main thing is to get MySQL installed properly first.
> Cheers, Steve.
> <info>
> I've cc'd this to the dba list as you mentioned earlier so
> you'll get a squillion copies of this. Either we'll be
> severely repremanded or we'll be welcomed with open arms!
> </info>

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