Hi again...

No, that crystal ball of yours might need some modification...

What I am talking about is the following (trying to explain in a different way this time):

1. Open a Spreadsheet (not that it need to be a spreadsheet, but that is what I am working with in this case).

2. Tools -> Macros -> Macro...

3. Administrate

4. New Dialog -> Name it -> OK

5. Select the dialog you just created and then press Edit.

6. Then I am not so sure, because I run the Swedish version, but the third button of the lower tool bar is named "Kontrollfält" in Swedish. I would guess that the English version says "Controllers", "Control elements" or something like that. Anyway, you long click on it and a tool bar with a lot of control elements appear.

7. Create a few different control elements. Just click on one of them on the tool bar and then draw it on the pre defined empty dialog box. Let's say that you create 4 (four) different control elements.

8. Now, if you double click one control element, you can see a lot of information about it which you can edit. You can also right click and then select Properties.

9. One of the fields is the one I was talking about. "Ordningsföljd" in Swedish, whatever that is in English... It is about the tabulator sequence anyway. It seems to be located right under the "Tab stop" field, I hope the location of it is the same in the English version. However, what this thing do is, that when you finished your dialog box and it's working, you can move the focus from one control element to another with your TAB key, so for every control element you should set a number which tells the dialog how to change focus when the TAB key is pressed. If we have fout different control elements, they are numbered from 0 to 3. 0 is accessed first, then 1 and so on. If I look at the properties for one control element and find it to be 3, and I might want it to be 2, I just change it from 3 to 2. This also means (I think) that the control element which was 2 before the change was done, now is 3, so that works rather smoothly. We won't have two control elements with the same number.

One way to get it right is to create the control elements in the same order as the wanted tabulator sequence, but nobody is perfect and perharps you will add a control element later and you don't want it to be the last one in the chain.

10. Of course it's possible to do what I just described, just double click a control element, then change its order to the appropriate value, but this makes it easy to overlook things if there are many control elements and it could take some time to get it right.

11. Now to my point. When I was fooling around with this, I had this dialog (I called it a window before, maybe that was misleading quite a lot, sorry for the fact that my native language is not English), and I can't really remember how I brought it up. That's actually what I am asking here... Anyway, what it did was what I described last time. All the control elements, which I created earlier, were in a list and I could select one of them and move it up or down. Moving it up means that the sequence order number gets lower, so one step upwards means that if it was 3 it will become 2 and the old 2 will become 3. Just like we all would expect. Now I don't really remember if I could drag them up and down in the list with "drag & drop" with my mouse or if there was up and down buttons to click, but that really doesn't matter. It was very convenient and it was easy to see what was going on.

So where is this dialog to be found? It couldn't have been a dream, could it??? If it was I think I am going to file it as a suggestion for a "new feature"...


Doug Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev den Tue, 22 Mar 2005 19:43:56 -0700:

Johnny Andersson wrote:
A few days ago I was playing around with the dialog editor, creating buttons and other control elements. When I studied the properties of the different stuff, I noticed that I could change the tabulator sequence. I found a very convenient way to change the sequence by opening a special window designed to do this. In that window all control elements are listed and I could just drag them up and down to achieve the sequence I wanted, or was there "move up" and "move down" buttons? I can't remember exactly.
Now to my "problem":
Now I am not "playing around" with it anymore, so I am doing stuff which I am actulally going to use later. So when I tried to find this convenient window, to easily change the tabulator sequence, I couldn't find it anywhere and I couldn't find any information about it in the help either. Maybe I just dreamt about the whole thing? Or maybe not...
Anyone who knows what I am talking about?

It sounds as if you are describing customizing the toolbars.
If that's the case, then all that remains is to guess which version of OOo you are using. My crystal ball says 2.0 beta.

If that is true, then you want to click on the dropdown icon at the extreme right of either the Standard toolbar (the one immediately below the Menu, or the Formatting toolbar which appears just below the standard toolbar in a default configuration.

After clicking on the icon you will see a context menu. My crystal ball says you are describing the the "Customize Toolbar..." entry.

Of course, there is always the possibility that I misread the signs and you are actually using OOo 1.1.4. In that case, right click in the desired toolbar and select Customize Toolbar from the context menu.

Finally, if you aren't describing the toolbars, then when you respond with the actual product information, perhaps you will decode what you mean by "tabulator".


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