This is what I mean:

MS Word:


I hope that explains it a little better.

As for online layout, I've been unable to figure out how to set
margins or break lines unless I hit [Enter].

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 00:32:39 +0000, CPHennessy
> On Tuesday 22 March 2005 18:38, + Benjermin Ochsner wrote:
> >  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> > One of my hobbies is writing FAQs for video games. Typically, these
> > documents have no page breaks and are saved in .txt format at specific
> > font sizes and page widths.
> >
> > Formatting:
> >
> > In MS Word, I can save as a .txt file, then make certain selections
> > regarding the encoding (US-ASCII and CR&LF selected) that will
> > preserve the line breaks made in the word processor. Regardless of the
> > window-size of a program--like Notepad--the line breaks are still
> > there.
> >
> > In OpenOffice, this does not occur, even with the same options
> > selected when I save in encoded text. The line breaks disappear when I
> > open the file in Notepad. Is there a way to resolve this?
> I'm reallyu not sur ewhat you mean here, but you can always view where a CR
> appears by turning on "View" -> "Non-Printing Characters"
> > Display:
> >
> > I was wondering if there was a display in OO.o Writer that is similar
> > or identical to that which appears as "Normal" in MS Word. This would
> > be shown as white space where page breaks are indicated by dotted
> > lines. This is convenient because FAQs are generally displayed as .txt
> > files on websites with no page breaks. However, in Writer, the pages
> > are distinctly seperated, which can be an especially annoying hassle
> > when I am making ASCII tables and they end up appearing across two
> > pages.
> You mean "View" -> "Online Layout" ?
> Please reply to only
> --
> CPH : contributor
> Maybe your question has been answered already?

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