On Thursday 31 March 2005 10:31 am, Duncan Lithgow wrote:
> > I can think of two easy alternatives:
> >
> > 1. Depending on what the fields contain (I'm assuming basic
> > name/address/phone type of stuff) then you may very well be able to
> > use a Mozilla address book for this. OOo can connect very easily to
> > these databases. In addition to basics like name, address, phone,
> > email, etc. you can also define up to four custom fields.
> It's too complicated for that. ie it'd need more than four customised
> fields. Also I'm guessing it couldn't be queried.
> > 2. You could set up a simple database through OOo in the dbase
> > format and do the same migration using a Windows box as I outlined
> > above.
> Can I do that with OOo 1.x? I thought that was only in OOo 2.x
> thanks for the response, Duncan
Check out this document:
It may get you started on creating a dbase database in OOo 1.x.


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