I have written a book that I plan to publish on Lulu.com.  According to
Lulu's help info, OOo should convert to PDF pretty well.  However, I have a
symbol font that does not get embedded into the PDF file.  Since I used
paragraph styles for my text (and never set anything to use the symbol font)
I am not sure what is using the symbol font.  I do see that I need to change
the font settings in a few places, but I don't know about the symbol font.

Acrobat Reader 7.0 reveals all the fonts, and shows their status as
either embedded, embedded subset, or not embedded.  How can I find what's
using the (or a) symbol font? Or how can I be sure it gets embedded?

I'm using OOo 1.1.3 on SUSE Linux 9.2.  I checked my copyright symbol, and
it's Georgia.  The find/replace dialog seems to offer font-related
attributes, but I am not sure that means I can search for the instances of a
given font.  Since I don't know what words might be using the symbol font, I
cannot search on the words, either.  Is there an easy way to do this?

Thanks in advance,
evangelinux    GNU Evangelist
http://matheteuo.org/                   http://chaddb.sourceforge.net/
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