John D. Toppins wrote:
Paul B. wrote:

Alan McKinnon wrote:

On Monday, 18 April 2005 23:02, Paul B. wrote:

I think this was mentioned fairly recently, but in case not, is
there a regex for finding a new paragraph? I see /n, but its
specced only for soft returns, in the Find field anyway. Unless
I'm missing it, that seems a strange priority, as I use far more
hard than soft paragraph returns.


Hi Paul,

Try using $ - end of a paragrph. For some strange reason it won't find the last para in a doc though


I did try that: '$-' did not pick up:

... but others from good will.
- Phi 1:15

I'm trying to replace '^-' (or, using more conventional new line notation, '\n-') with ' -' - that is, I'm trying to collapse paragraphs - but tying the search string to the end of the previous paragraph doesn't do it. That's probably because a multiline marker would be needed - another thing I didn't see listed in Help.


Someone else explained that SEARCH and REPLACE doesn't look across paragraphs - it only looks a paragraph at a time. To collapse them, you have to fool it. i do that by replacing the paragraph marker with a symbol (like %%), then doing your global replace, then replacing %% with new paragraphs.

I use this when I inherit a document with paragraph markers at the end of each line and double-spaced paragraph markers between paragraphs.

Try replacing $ (the paragraph marker) with %. Then replacing %% (double-spaced lines) with \n (new paragraph marker).

John T.

I used to do this in Word, via macro. But tell me, how do you replace paragraph markers with the marker string? It's the inability to search for paragraph markers that is exactly my problem here.


Using OOo on Win XP.

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