On Friday, 22 April 2005 05:51, Joe wrote:
> I know this is an OOo feature, but ... when I open a writer
> document after the template or styles it is based on have changed
> (or at least OOo thinks they have changed),  I get one chance to
> leave it alone or let it update.
> That's cool, but ... I have no idea what it's going to do to my
> existing document (especially if I don't remember what I did to the
> template/styles).  So, it freaks me out every time I get this
> message because I know it could really mess things up either way I
> answer the question and I might not even notice subtle differences
> until much later when a lot of work might have been wasted.
> Is there any way to see what difference answering "yes" or "no"
> will make (i.e. exactly what has changed) before committing to an
> answer?
> I don't think a compare files would catch everything - like if page
> styles changed.  If I changed left and right margins, every line
> would wrap differently and (probably) show up as a change, making
> it look like a completely different file when, really, only one or
> two things changed.
> Related questions:
> How do I tell (after the fact) what styles/template a document is
> based on (linked to)?  I know I can open the style list in the
> document, but, unless I've added or deleted whole styles, the
> changes will be almost invisible.  I'd have to modify each style
> one at a time and look at all the tabs and then if I had
> photographic memory, I might spot what has changed.

Select File -> Properties, the current template is listed at the 
bottom of the first tab

> If I say no and break the links to the template/styles and then,
> later, change my mind, is there a way to reestablish the links?

No, you have to create a new document based on the new template, then 
copy/paste the old document


> FYI: I have a lot of programming background, but only a little
> familiarity with HTML and virtually none with XML.  I don't mind
> poking around in files if I know what I'm looking for.
> Thanks.
>                 Joe

Alan McKinnon
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