On Saturday, 23 April 2005 03:46, Andrew Cassels wrote:
> OpenOffice has two versions, the official release and the
> development version, If you want the newest features but accept a
> risk of having problems (bugs, things not working, ...) install the
> Beta 2.0, but if you want something that work's well, with less
> features but less problems then install the official release (the
> stable, version number 1.1.4)
> As you might know the ".com" is for "commercial", and openoffice is
> definitely not a commercial software (all the contrary) it is a
> free, open source (anyone can contribute or modify it) software.
> The ".org" is for "organisation", open office is definitely much
> more of an organisation that a commercial company, there is also
> the ".net" but that doesn't describe at all what sort of thing it
> is. I don't know if this is the real reason, but it is the most
> probable (I think).

I comes from internet domain names: .com for commercial 
companies, .org for non-commercial organisations, .net for network 
infrastructure companies like ISPs and so on.

The name "OpenOffice" is already taken by a South Korean company and 
so can't be used for OOo. Therefore the OpenOffice.org name, which 
very accurately describes exactly what it is.


> I hope you'll be happy with OpenOffice,
> Andrew
> on 23.04.2005 00:17 norman jacobs said the following:
> > I was recomended to you by     www.csanola.com
> > <http://www.csanola.com> and I do not know anything about  you. I
> > had Microsoft Office and it was only A 60 temporary version.  I
> > have not Deleted it off my Add & Remove Programs yet. I see you
> > have  2 versions. Is their anyway to take A tour of
> > www.openoffice.org <http://www.openoffice.org>   I see you have
> > the [ org ] Why the ORG ?? I also have another E-Mail address   
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    or the
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    norman   jacobs

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