That is what I was thinking.


Paul wrote:
There is a maximum length of a single paragraph that has been
mentioned on this list in the past.  If what you are pasting is all a
single paragraph then this could be the case. Try breaking up the
paragraph earlier on and see what happens.

One suggestion I would have is when you paste from the web, select
edit > paste special and select unformatted text and see what happens.

HTH, /paul

On 4/22/05, Robert S. Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey guys! I've been using OpenOffice for quite a while, and I recently upgraded 
to the 2.0 Beta. I have a very bizarre problem.....

I create a text document. I go to cut-n-paste in text-only content from a web 
page (about 20 pages worth....I know it's a lot, but bear with me :) ), and it 
only pastes in about the first 14 pages. It cuts it off in mid-sentence. test the problem....I opened a *new* document, and just typed in a row of x's 
("xxxxxxxx", etc.), and copy/pasted that for quite a long time. Somewhere on 
page 14 or so, it won't let me type any more characters in. I mean, no more typing, no 
more pasting, no more characters in any way, shape, or form. I can still work with what I 
have, but can't add any more.

As another test, I copy/pasted the same text into WordPad, and saved it as an 
RTF file. Wordpad accepted all the text, wrote the RTF, and it was all there 
when I re-opened it in Wordpad. Try opening it in OpenOffice, it cuts it off 
somewhere around page 14 in mid-sentence.

I'm really hoping there's some setting somewhere that I missed, but I'm completely stumped. It doesn't make any sense....anybody got any ideas?

-- Peter Kupfer -- Using OOo since 'OO4 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Want to help? For OOo tips: To order OOo:

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