That is strange : I never had any problem with German characters. Maybe you have special options on your computer that make OO ok for other languages, but not for West European languages. Here these characters extracted from the OO-writer screen


Did you verify your "Language" option ? Do you have any problems with

I saved the concerned file and then opened it, and got the characters correctly.
Marc H.

Zhenwu Duan a Ãcrit :


can anyone please give me some help to my problem by creating a document (foo.sxw) for openoffice-writer.
a self created content.xml with german charactors like: Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã
our problem is, it is ok for à à à (low case), but not for à à à Ã, after opening the fle foo.sxw we got the charators (upper case and Ã) unreadable.

we tried with release 1.1.1, 1.1.4 and the newest 2.0(1.9.7)
the problem stays the same.

I replaced encoding="UTF-8" with ending="ISO-8859-1", but
it did not help.

Is it really a known bug? is there already a solution?


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