As I said it's just easier for me to print onto an envelope, Otherwise I have to work out where the lable I am typing onto is in relation to the printed page which goes into my printer top first, so i have to turn the page upside-down to print, or see it as if it is upside down,

What could be a solution would be the ability to perhaps have a lable template, and a sheet, and have a way of ensuring that once that lable (cell) has been typed and printed, it cannot be reused within the program template (i.e blank it and make it read only), that way you are forced to use available lable cells. Not sure how that would work really, but it's one way round the problem, of course this would only work if you used the same sheet each time, and put the sheet in the same way each time, so perhaps the lable template could also insert arrows into the top header, that print once on to the page, if it can't be blanked perhaps make the software intellegent enough to perhaps not print older lables but only those on the page that have been updated since last print,

What do people think,   how could this be implemented.,


Sorry if we are going off track with this.

On Thursday 19 May 2005 11:16, the author Peter Hillier-Brook contributed to the dialogue on Re: [users] RE: Printing an envelope:
& PAUL SUTTON wrote:
& > Agreed, in fact for the return address I have done this, I have a whole
& > sheet for this purpose, however when you are doing a one off, having a
& > whole sheet of lables and printing one can cause problems. I.e you then
& > need to work out which lable to print on then watch that the places
& > where lables have been removed do not cause printer feed problems, it's
& > easier for me to just print on an envelope.
& >
& [snip]
& I've been printing one-offs via a variety of dot matrix, laser and
& inkjet printers for at least the last 16 years with never a jam. As for
& working out where the next label is, I've always found it to be the next
& unused one:-)
OK does anyone know how to resolve Paul's question -- let's keep on track

& Regards & & Peter HB & & --------------------------------------------------------------------- & To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] & For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] & &

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