Am Freitag, 20. Mai 2005 13:52 schrieb G. Roderick Singleton:
> On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 15:35 -0700, Chris Nelson wrote:
> > I currently have m103 installed on a Kubuntu linux x86 machine.  With
> > this build and a few of the recent builds, I have been unable to open
> > any existing files.  I can create a new file, but if I try to open an
> > existing file, I get the error message,
> >
> > "General input/output error while accessing <filename>."
> My guess would be perms.
> > This does not seem to be an OOo bug, since I have not seen anyone else
> > complaining of the same problem, but I am not sure what would cause the
> > error.
> >
> > I usually install the builds by grabbing the gz from
> >,
> > gunzipping, untarring, and then installing with "alien -i *.rpm."
> Why not just grab the debs?

Had a similar problem. Could not update existing files on a Windows FAT 
partition. Neither with OOo 1.1.3 nor 1.9.100m. Updated to 1.9.104 now it 
works fine.
Klaus Schneider

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