On Tuesday 17 May 2005 06:17, + Zane Bruce wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> Hi
> I'm playing around with the 1.9.100 build of Openoffice, specifically
> with the database stuff.  I notice when importing data from my older
> MS excel and Openoffice 1.1.4 spreadsheet files, 1.9.100 either
> ignores or converts to text any hyperlinks I have in the
> spreadsheets, thus losing me the ability to link parts of my database
> to outside documents.   Is there a way around this?

Hi Zane,
 This sounds like a bug. Can you please report this in issuezilla ? 
( http://openoffice.org -> "My Pages" -> "Register" then when you receive a 
confirmation email, "Login" and "File an issue" )
In this way the relevant developers will see your bug report and you will also 
see the progress of this bug report if it is accepted.

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