James Knott wrote:

web at work wrote:
I just installed 3.0 RC1

I was wondering when it is expected to see
the final release version, not RC1.

I have installed both Beta and DEV versions,
but I will not get rid of version 2.4 until 3.0
is completely "done".

I also want to give it out as quickly as possible
to all those who have been using 2.x--2.4.1 here
in my sphere of influence.

I like what I saw in all of the 3.0 version so far
and want everyone to get the good stuff I have
seen in 3.0.
Also I was wondering how long it will take to get
a "self install" CD image for 3.0 to come out.  I usually
burn 10 copies at a time for giving it out to everyone
I talk into trying it instead of using their MS suites.

If I wait till the 3.0 image comes out, I would need to
burn at least 100 CDs to the people, companies, agencies,
and non-profit organizations that I have given out
over the past year or two. One CD each that is.  I do not
know how many PC now have OOo on them from the
CDs I have given out.  Hundreds? More?

Instead of CDs, why not keep copies of it on a USB flash drive, like I do. I maintain a selection of open source apps, such as OO, Firefox and others on a USB flash drive that I carry with me. That way I can install the software for them.
I am waiting with baited breath.
Catch anything yet?  ;-)

I give out CDs since I am not the one who installs the software.
I give it to the people and they install it on their own computer(s).
CDs are much cheaper as well.

If you give out CDs to everyone you talk to about OOo, and ask them
to try it, I have found that at least half will try and use it.

All of these people who I got to use OOo 2.x are being told about all the stuff I have seen in 3.0 beta and many are looking forward to trying it themselves. BUT, most do not want to install beta software on their business PCs. That is why I want to know what
is the projected date for the final release version of 3.0.  Also
many find it is easier to use the "self install" CD that you can get
when you download the CD image.  That is the one I give out.

I maintain a folder on my laptop with all of the current version
of the free and open source software I like.  That includes
Firefox 3.x, Thunderbird, Filezilla, Paint.NET, GIMP, KompoZer,
Scribus, Inkscape, Winamp, AVG, and ZoneAlarm.

When I have a new person to get into the open source software,
I will burn a CD with all of the most up-to-date versions.

I also maintain www.lungstrom.com for links to all of the web sites
for the software I have used.  Every once and a while, I will add
more software to the list.  Soon I will be redesigning it for easier
use, but it works the current way.

SO the question still is when can I expect 3.0 release, not a release candidate?
I am running RC1 now.

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