Hi Paul,
Alt + cursor works for me.

Paul wrote:
This question has recently been asked by others. There does not seem
to be a method of making small changes to position of objects using
only the keyboard.

Don't think and issue  / request for enhancement has been lodged - if
it has someone will respond with the number for voting purposes.


On 5/26/05, Margo Rita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm using the 1.9.104 (Beta ver. 2?) and have a
question about moving graphics without using the

It seems that when you try to move the graphic with
the mouse, it won't let you place it EXACTLY where you
want it.  Almost like it is doing SNAP to GRID, even
though I have that function turned off.

In MS Word (and other programs) one can nudge a
graphic via the keyboard.

In Word  CTRL + the arrow key point in the direction
you want to move.

One can even change the default amount the graphic is
moved in Word.

Does OOo Writer have such a function?
I've looked EVERYWHERE for 2 days.....tried every
keystroke combination I can think of!

If one can't do this in OOo,
a) where can one ask that this be included in the next
b) does anyone know a work around?

Please respond to the forum, but if you need to e-mail
me at

tx_margo_rita(REPLACE WITH SYMBOL)yahoo.com

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