Apparently you are an "old" user. I have appreciated very much Windows 3.1. You should not be too worried about installing OpenOffice on the hard disk. Besides, you might make mistakes in installing the software on CD that you would not make in installing it on the disk (everything runs automatically). Your problems will be solved gradually : everybody needs some time and practice before he feels comfortable with a new system and new software. Your "18 year old high school kids" should TELL YOU what to do when a problem arises - tell you and NOT do it for you. I know how frustrating it is when somebody fixes a problem and you do not know what exactly he did. So insist : you should do yourself.



I Have been using Windows 3.1 for app. 15 years without Internet access and been very happy with it.

However, my family recently bought me a new Windows XP computer with Internet access.

My ignorance of the new technology is amazing - even 18 year old high school kids are bailing me out of my infinite number of computer mistakes.

I would like to download OpenOffice to a CD and then use that CD in the computer when I need to write letters, makes a spreadsheet, database, etc. The reason being that I am terrified of paralyzing the computer hard drive someway when I make my usual mistakes. Is this possible? Can I download the OpenOffice program to a CD?

Sorry to bother you with my problem, but I really am concerned that I might "freeze" all operations on my computer (it did happen on my 3.1 - the only thing I could do with the computer was play Solitaire; no letters, spreadsheets, databases, etc. I had to go to a repairman to straighten out my mess; It was time-consuming and costly).

Thanks for your help.

John M. Kelly

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