I downloaded and started using OO 2.4 several months ago on my new MAC 10.5.

Most of the time the program would open when I clicked the icon.  However, 
sometimes it would time out and I would have to click on a document in order to 
open.  Sometimes I would get an X11 message box in the upper left corner of my 
desktop that would say "XTERM: Bash-3.2$.  When I closed this box OO 2.4 would 
then usually boot up.

On Sat., Oct 5 I got an upgrade message from Apple which included an upgrade to 
X11.  Following this upgrade I have been unable to open OO 2.4 either by 
clicking on the icon or trying to open a document. I either get the message box 
with "XTERM: Bash-3.2$ or the timer icon runs and runs until time expires 
without 2.4 opening.  Thus, I no longer have any access to the software or my 
Open Office docs.


Thanks,    Don Smith


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