
I've looked for this problem but have not found a solution that seems to relate to exactly this situation.

From what I've read, I should NOT need to run X11 with the OSX 10.5.5 yet it starts automatically when I try to run the Open Office Suite. I just downloaded this tonight for the second time and still, I get the following error after X11 opens: "2.4 Apple event timed out".

I've tried rebooting since loading the software and this doesn't seem to make a difference.

A couple of days ago someone tried to help and downloaded a version that worked but it must have been in Swahili as I couldn't read a thing.

I am using an iMac made in 2003 but it seems to meet all the criteria mentioned in the article.

Earlier in the week I tried loading an earlier version of OpenOffice but that didn't work either although in that case there were the beginnings of activity, but the product just hung the system and gave no error messages.


Also, I've read there is a version of OpenOffice for the iPhone - stripped down I'm sure - but is this available and how do i get it.

Thank you,


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