Harold Fuchs wrote:
On 04/10/2008 16:56, John Boyle wrote:
To all : it seems I must make one last statement in regards to the problem of James Knott, because nobody remembers a basic and fundamental statement he made when this whole thing started! The first thing out of his mouth was at the Bible thumpers had done it, and yet he could offer no proof! As far as I'm concerned that blew his credibility right there, and it had nothing to do with the bigotry of the statement that I was initially upset at! If it was just a bigotry statement, I might have just turned the other cheek as someone said. It was a totally unsubstantiated and false statement offered with no proof and he kept on uttering the same garbage that he has kept up all the time he makes his presence known in this user group! Why only one other person caught this I will never understand, but if he can make false, unsubstantiated comments on something with no proof, one must ask themselves what else is unsubstantiated? Once I send this message, I will then also unsubscribed myself, because I can be sure of what is said in this users group, either! :-(


Of course you must do as you please but I think the list will suffer more than James Knott will by your action. Rest assured you were not alone in having picked up on the unsubstantiated nature of his statement. I just chose to ignore it because you can't argue with people like that any more than you can argue with zealots of any stripe. I've just put him on my junk list so I won't see any more of his messages.

Please reconsider.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org
To Harold Fuchs: I thank you for this statement, and the action you have taken regarding the individual in question! That makes you only the third person to understand what I was trying to say! You would think, for all the reaction that did NOT happen, that I was writing in something other than English or American, depending on your point of view! I will take what you say here as a good point and I hope many others are taking the same action as you have! Ironically, I really understand and appreciate the ground rules of the usergroup, but he seemed to FLAUNT those rules by VIOLATING them, as often as he could, with his bigotry! Again, I say thanks and will see if I really want to rejoin, but, rest assured I am very favorably inclined to do so! I really do need the help, on different parts of Open Office, from time to time, although I only use it for personnal use, as I am retired and over 65, now! :-) :-)

John Boyle

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