I have not gotten off the list.  I reported this to the IC3, to the Columbus 
Police Department, and all list managers.  I have sent over a hundred emails to 
every potential openoffice.org email address in multiples (and otehr lists that 
have no easy unsubscribe process-why not just a button that unsubscribes like 
many sites?).  I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.  I have reported this to google lists, 
google abuse, yahoolists, yahooabuse, etc. ad naseum.

I received over 2,000 emails from lists in 18 hours yesterday.  I have received 
over 15,000 this week.

Delete [EMAIL PROTECTED] from this list and don't tell me to 
unsubscribe-nothing works and you CANNOT unsubscribe. Delete it a s spam-I 
don't care-I cannot get this terminated.

Chuck Evans


----- Original Message ----
From: Barbara Duprey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: users@openoffice.org
Sent: Sunday, October 5, 2008 4:28:36 PM
Subject: Re: [users] Re: openoffice.org - Malicious Third-Party Subscription

NoOp, thanks very much for covering this so well. Apologies for the 
dramatic snipping here, but it's gotten pretty hard to see the trees for 
the forest!

NoOp wrote:
> <snip -- Is malicious unsubscribe really a serious problem?>
> Actually it would be more than annoying and create havoc across this
> mail list.

I'll take your word for that. Guess I don't understand the hacker 
mentality well enough.
> <snip>
> The fact that Chuck has someone that is forwarding emails from this list
> to his sbcglobal.net account is not the problem of the users on this
> list. It's a problem with him and whoever maliciously is forwarding the
> emails to him.

Agreed. My concern was not really directed at Chuck's situation, just 
trying to see how we can help those who may not really have good 
solutions to the malicious subscription problem. If all somebody can do 
is throw away unwanted messages after they have arrived, those whose 
ISPs use metered traffic for determining payment, for instance, could 
> It is however a problem of the list manager in that it has never been
> easy to communicate with a live person/moderator/manager of this list.
> For instance; there is _no_ obvious address/person/email that even we,
> as valid subscribers to this list, can write to to complain about a
> Chuck. Yes, we can also try to view the mailing list pages for some
> contact information but in the end we'll not find one - I've not, and
> I've been on this list since 2007 (I think).

Absolutely, not having an obvious and reliable way to get a human 
involved was the reason for this thread in the first place. I'd be very 
happy if things like contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED] (as 
recommended in the users-help response) worked reliably.
> Luckily I use gmane for this and many, many other lists, and wonder why
> anyone still would use an actual email list subscription when they can
> use a gmane or other nntp newsreader subscription instead.

In my case, at least -- inertia! I'm used to email but not to 
newsreaders and haven't bothered to investigate that capability. Maybe 
it's time.
> <snip>
>> His sbcglobal.net account was not subscribed. All his messages went 
>> through "moderator for users@openoffice.org" -- attempting to 
>> unsubscribe that just got a message that it wasn't subscribed and 
>> therefore couldn't be unsubscribed. I do kind of wonder why the 
>> moderator let so many through, though.
> Good point. Now can you find the information to complain to the list
> moderator/adminstor... If you can I'll give you a gold star :-)

Well, there's [EMAIL PROTECTED] (maybe), and at least one 
moderator ("Paul") has posted to the list, but I'd have to check the 
archives to get his email. It might not be fair to poke him with this, 
though, since he's probably neither the only moderator nor the list 
owner. From what he said then, it didn't seem as if he had any special 
connection for making or recommending changes in list management.
> The point boils down to the fact that none of us, many have been here
> for quite some time, even know how to complain regarding our own list.
> It's a double-edged sword; there seems to be no
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] type of address for those on the list to
> report a Chuck (or others of recent), nor is there any such address for
> the Chuck's of the world that have a problem with the OOo list and can't
> seem to get out of the loop.
> I seem to recall some logged issues regarding this but can't recall the
> issue numbers. I'm sure that if you search the list for similar posts
> we'll find previous posts by me, you, others regarding this same issue.
> We'll also not find someone from OOo that has ever stepped up and waved
> a hand saying "I'm the person resonsible for this list - if you have
> problems contact me, and by the way, my project page is...).
> Perhaps it's just time to get mad and demand that OOo provide a single
> contact for this list. It's the largest and most obvious list on OOo for
> both experienced and new users alike. Example:
> http://www.openoffice.org/http://support.openoffice.org/index.html
>    Users Mail List (Subscribe /  Archives)
> OpenOffice.org Project community support provided by a network of
> hundreds of experienced users. You must be subscribed to post messages.

Love that "You must be subscribed..." -- wonder why they still say it, 
when it hasn't been true for years, if ever?
> Reminding users on this list that it was/is our desire to have posters
> subscribe... but who was the fool that created that link without linking
> first to a web page describing the lists, the fact that the subscriber
> will receive emails from this list etc., etc?

I'll second that!
> The rest of your response is appreciated, but snipped. It it _not_
> advisable to have _any_ standard mail list forgo the appropriate
> subscribe and unsubscribe checks that have been proven to be effective
> over time. Those checks and balances have been put in place for a
> reason; one reason is the malicious subscribe and unsubscribe of list
> users.

Again, thanks for responding to this. I'm (almost) sorry I brought it 
up, and I'm ready to scratch the idea, but the discussion has been 
interesting. The most salient point is that the subscribe/unsubscribe 
confirmation may be a link-click, and if so no playing with identities 
would be needed for somebody like Chuck to use the indirect form to 
unsubscribe the problem account. It's been a long time since I 
subscribed, but I thought it took a reply from the subscribed account to 
confirm. I notice we haven't heard from Chuck lately, so maybe he 
finally got himself off the list!

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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