On 10/08/2008 03:34 PM, norseman wrote:
[I'll try to snip a little so as not to repeat Harold's full copy for a
one line response]
> Yes I'm frustrated, but I'm not mad.  I like using OpenOffice. I just
> wish those in it's driver seat could do something besides just code.
> Without proper documentation a program is all but totally useless. You
> know that as well as I.
> Where is the real documentation? Is it just for the 'inside' crowd only?
> Don't actually have any?  I can create it, but I have rules.
> The web asks for help in all phases of OOo.  Just exactly how does one 
> code without knowing the purpose, name and syntax of each item in the 
> library in use????
> Steve

I recommend that you ask your python questions on the developers
list(s). See:

Also see:

As for the website questions/issues - same link as above:
Although be advised that in the past when "users" ventured into trying
to assist/advise/complain about the website (most recent change and
accessability was a _big_ issue) that the folks there tend (IMO) to get
a little defensive, so word your issues carefully when expressing them
to the website folks :-)

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