Interesting! I'd tried to do the same modification but couldn't manage because 
there are several places where the information is stored (see end of that thread: ). 
Perhaps the trick is to disable the extension first.


Le 19.10.2008 22:49, Manfred J. Krause a écrit :


On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 21:47, Hagar de l'Est wrote:
If you want indeed to remove some locales, you've to:
1. Uninstall the extension
2. Tweak the extension and edit the dictionary.xcu file in the .oxt file
3. Re-install the extension

I've removed the locales
  French - Belgium
  French - Canada
  French - Luxembourg
  French - Monaco
  French – Switzerland
from dict-fr.oxt as follows  ->

1) Disable the dictionary extension in Extension Manager
2) Close OOo
3) Edit the dictionary.xcu file in
<prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">
  <value>fr-FR fr-BE fr-CA fr-CH fr-LU fr-MC</value>

change to
<prop oor:name="Locales" oor:type="oor:string-list">

<node oor:name="HunSpellDic_fr_FR-Classique-et-Réforme1990" oor:op="fuse">
<node oor:name="HyphDic_fr-FR" oor:op="fuse">
<node oor:name="ThesDic_fr-FR" oor:op="fuse">

4) Save the file
5) Open OOo and Extension Manager, enable the dictionary extension
6) Close OOo and restart

Voilà tout - it remains the locale French - France ...
Well - that's only a workaround  ;-)


Some hints here:


Le 16.10.2008 22:11, Manfred J. Krause a écrit :


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 11:40, Alberto Muller wrote:
Thanks for helping. Unfortunately, in the Extension Manager only appear
the French, English and Spanish dictionaries, while I have at least
another half a dozen I don't want.
Anyway, I'll search again.
If the installed extensions (default for version en-US) are ...  ->

... then the available languages are  ->

English - South Africa
English - UK
English - USA
French - Belgium
French - Canada
French – France
French - Luxembourg
French - Monaco
French – Switzerland
Spanish - Spain

I can not imagine how you could have other dictionaries
or available languages.
For more dictionaries/languages, there's only one way:
to install the dictionaries as extension.


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