On 29/10/2008 16:49, Twayne wrote:
2008/10/28 Winson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can I use "click and type" in openoffice 3 ?

If yes, how to set it?

What is "click and type"?

Basically, it's a way to place your cursor in an area of a page that hasn't yet been typed on. For insance, I have a blank page I just created: Nothing has been typed on it yet. To start typing say at line 35 instead of 1 at the top of the page, I can either:

--  Hit return 34 more times and start typing, OR,
-- Turn on click n type, click at line 35, and start typing. The program will add the 34 preceding blank lines for me. Works for left/right alignment, paras, table cells, etc.; see the Tools; Options; Writer; Formatting Aids; Direct Cursor on/off and settings.

I used line numbers just of the sake of description; they have nothing to do with the feature itself. I find it handy, but ... it can get consufing under some circumstances while you're getting used to it. e.g. you think your cursor is where you want it, but it's elsewhere, in an as yet untyped part of the document. Etc. It's quite handy in a lot of cases and does have adjustments can be made. Try it, you'll like it<g>!



Well, well, well. You learn something new every day. Thank you :-)

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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