2008/11/3 njm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I would like to subscribe to this list but I can't find any form to fill
> in.
> I enclose my personals:
> Mr. Johnny Mansson

Hello Johnny,

To subscribe send a mail (may be empty, no subject needed) to
and reply to the automatic response you'll receive.
It may be wise to create a separate email account for this list, since
you'll receive 20, 30 or more mails per day. I have a (free) gmail account
for all things about OpenOffice.org and other list like this. It gives you
lots of space, so you don't aven have to throw away OOo help that might be
useful later.
using dutch OOo Aqua 3.0.0 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and brazilian OOo Aqua 3.0.0 on an Intel MacBook Pro Leopard
-- please reply only to users@openoffice.org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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