Yesterday I met a lady visiting her parents in New York State.
She has been living in Israel for the past 20 years.  She loved
recieving a copy of the English version of, that
I carry around.  She loved the fact that she could get a free
Hebrew version as well.

She worked in the communication and media field and I believe
that she would spread the word, once she gets home and tries the
English and Hebrew version of 3.0.

Folks.  This is why you should alwayd carry a copy of
with you as you go about you life outside you home.  You never
know who you will meet and talk about to.

The facts are, if you give someone great free software, and they like/love it,
they will tell others about it, and so on, and so on.  Word of mouth is 
how this project gets more users.  

Spread the word.
Spread the CDs

[She also loved the fact that I would not take money for the CD I gave her.]

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