Cor Nouws wrote:
Hello Maria,

Maria Rochkova wrote (28-10-2008 15:36)
I have a document written in MS Word 2003, which contains one table with two columns and one row. In the one of the columns there is a text, which is apox. 22-23 pages /in MSWord/. When tried to open this file in OpenOffice it displays only part of the document - sometimes from the beginning to some page, sometimes from the middle/, and I could not find a way to see the whole document.

Sorry for answering late.
I had the same problem once, and someone told me the solution:
change the properties of the header (1) style(s), so that it does not say "keep with next paragraph".

Does that help for you?


Cor, I worked with her offline a bit on this (got her Word file). It doesn't use any headers at all, Even the MS Word viewer can't handle it properly, and the content of the column is a complex object that I believe was generated via macros. Using the viewer (I don't have Word), I was able to copy all the text and create an odt file, but she's trying to work collaboratively with several people in each of two companies to maintain the document and she doesn't think this technique would work for them. It's very badly structured for the kind of translation work they're doing, IMO, but my take was that it's too complex to even try going back and forth between Word and Writer.

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