NoOp wrote:
On 11/17/2008 04:16 PM, Rob Clement wrote:
NoOp wrote:

I guess I'm missing the reason for the bug/issue; if you open 'soffice'
in 2.4.x you get a blank start page, whereas in 3.0 you get a very nice
'StartCenter'. This is what people kept complaining about -- no desktop
icon etc., and now that they have it they can't figure out how to create
links to swriter, scalc, etc? Amazing...

The solutions work and I have set up icons for OOo but when the current document (including spreadsheet, presentation etc) is closed the menu screen is displayed again.

I still don't understand the issue; the same menu items as 2.x are still
available (File/Edit/View/Tools/Window/Help). The only addition is that
you also have the StartCenter rather than a blank grey page. And the
only thing missing is the New/Open/Help toolbar which you can easily
turn on by clicking View|Toolbars|Standard.

Personally I like the new menu screen but for those that do not maybe there should be an option to switch it off.

Thank you, guys!
Adding the -nosplash option to the panel link's command line - as suggested by 
Russell Butler - did the trick.


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