On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 20:56, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> In OOo one can configure different locales. I need to see a list of the 
> differences between those locales.

That is buried in the source code of OOo.

Once upon a time, there was a document hidden somewhere on the
openoffice.org website, that listed all of the locales, and what the
differences were.  I don't remember the name of the document.  (It
wasn't part of the l10n, i18n, ui, or documentation projects.  Nor
part of any of the native language projects.)

Anyway, the date formats follow either the legally mandated formats
for the specific country.  South Africa is the major exception here.
For technical reasons, most computer program can not correctly handle
the legally defined thousands separator.   (When those formats were
first introduced in South Africa, they were done under an
anti-terrorism statute promulgated by the South African Department of
Education. A couple of years later, the anti-terrorism statutes were
rewritten, with the BOSS having oversight of most of the items. The
specific formats remained under Dept Education oversight. )


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