At 18:39 03/12/2008 -0800, Angi Simon wrote:
I have downloaded the writers section. My goal is to design a programme for our theater's winter show. I have used a letter size, 2-column landscape layout and would like to orient the front cover page on the right and the back cover page on the left. In "Help" I found a section regarding "alternating page styles on odd and even pages." I followed the instructions, but the page orientation remains the same. Any suggestions?

You can probably do what you want the way you are describing, but OpenOffice can do better. If I understand you correctly (and I'm guessing that it is position that is your problem - not orientation), you need what Writer calls a "brochure". It will print pages 4 and 1 on one side and then 2 and 3 on the reverse. All you have to do is fold the paper, not to cut it, and you will have the booklet that I think you require. If you have more than four pages, Writer will spread the pages across multiple sheets such that all the sheets can be folded together - not separately - to produce the brochure.

Set up your pages in portrait orientation and with the page format set to the actual size of the image, not the size of paper that you will use - as if you were actually using smaller paper, that is. In your case, this will be half-letter size. Do not use columns. Your document will have four small pages, not two larger ones. When you print the document, make sure that you set the *printer* to use landscape mode and the actual (letter) paper size, and tell Writer to print as a brochure. The brochure setting is at Tools | Options... | Writer | Print | Pages | Brochure, but can also be reached on the fly at File | Print... | Options... | Pages | Brochure. The printer settings are at File | Printer Settings... | Properties...; again, these can be reached on the fly at File | Print... | Properties... .

If you select brochure printing in Tools | Options..., you can use Print Preview to experiment with the brochure setting to see how it works.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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