2008/12/7 NoOp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Of course the screenshot will not have made it through to the list.

Sorry, here is the screenshot:

> Are you talking about when she enters and displays yyyy-mm-dd and after
> it displays correctly, and then clicking on the date and all of a sudden
> it automagically appears as mm-dd-yyyy? But after editing it reappears
> in the correct format in the cell? That's what mine does if I set the
> language to Hebrew with a US english locale.

The US date shows as mm/dd/yyyy as opposed to mm-dd-yyyy but in essence, yes.

> It will be helpful if you can provide more details:
> 1. What are the locale settings on her machine?

Ouf! She had it set to US_en. I was five nine certain that her locale
was en_DK. It seems that I was misconfiguring her locale, when I set
the locale in /etc/environment the setting was respected by OOo. So
either OOo disregards the user's locale and goes right for the system
locale, or I don't know what I'm doing (most likely the second!).

> 2. What OS?

Kubuntu 8.04, sorry.

> 3. What are the settings in: Tools|Options|Language Settings|Languages

It was: Locale Setting: Hebrew
Now it is (and I will leave it this way): Danish

> 4. What are the settings in Format|Cell|Date

This is the problem! When editing a cell, I want the editing format to
be the same as the display format. Not the same as the locale format.

> 5. What bugs you _think_ may be related.

Now that I have better identified the problem (what I answered in the
previous question) I see that none of the bugs that I have open 100%
address the issue. I will go through the Calc options very carefully
and google tonight. If I cannot find out how to set Calc to use the
display format as the edit format, then I will file a new issue.

Thanks, Greg, I always appreciate your help. Now that I see that I was
sloppy about the locale I am better armed to google my way out of
this. Have a great night.

Dotan Cohen



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