On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 18:57 +1200, Ian Laurenson wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-05-29 at 12:13, Jonathon Coombes wrote:
> [snip]
> > I have sent it to Ian to put up on the macro site. I dont know that I
> > would class it as a template as such. It is actually a set of macros
> > in an empty word document at the moment. It should probably be put into
> > the new package format for proper distribution. However, if you want it,
> > it will be available on Ian's wiki soon.
> I have put the macro code and a slightly revised version with some
> comments here:
> http://ext.openoffice.org.nz/doku.php?id=collaboration:mail_merge
> However, I have not been able to get it to work.
> I get the message "Failed to connect to mail server..".
> I have tried 1.9.100 for Linux and Windows (Windows2000).

I have looked but am confused. What are the prerequisites for using the

Another question, why does the code as it sits appear to duplicate using
the letter mailmerge wizard (AutoPilot) What I was expecting was
something like this (pseudo code)

     1. Extract email address and other fields from database
     2. Prepare body of message with personalization
     3. Send message to email address that was extracted above.

Am I reading the code wrong?

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