On 01/14/2009 01:17 PM, Chema wrote:
> NoOp escribió:
>> On 01/14/2009 07:39 AM, Chema wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> Hi again.
>>> I receive a message that say me that with version 2 my formula works but
>>> not works on version 3...
>>> Is this a bug?
>>> Regards
>>> Chema
>> >From F1 (Help):
>> TIME returns the current time value from values for hours, minutes and
>> seconds. This function can be used to convert a time based on these
>> three elements to a decimal time value.
>> Syntax
>> TIME(Hour; Minute; Second)
>> Use an integer to set the Hour.
>> Use an integer to set the Minute.
>> Use an integer to set the Second.
>> Examples
>> =TIME(0;0;0) returns 00:00:00
>> =TIME(4;20;4) returns 04:20:04
>> Note the semicolons in the function argument.
>> TIMEVALUE returns the internal time number from a text enclosed by
>> quotes and which may show a possible time entry format.
>> The internal number indicated as a decimal is the result of the date
>> system used under OpenOffice.org to calculate date entries.
>> Syntax
>> TIMEVALUE("Text")
>> Text is a valid time expression and must be entered in quotation marks.
>> Examples
>> =TIMEVALUE("4PM") returns 0.67. When formatting in time format HH:MM:SS,
>> you then get 16:00:00.
>> =TIMEVALUE("24:00") returns 1. If you use the HH:MM:SS time format, the
>> value is 00:00:00.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> I'm sorry for my ignorance,but I don't understand what's means your
> comment about my mail.
> I talk about in version 2 OOcalc the formula = (1600:00:00 - A1) (A1 is
> other cell with value 160:00:00) works and I can see a result and
> in version 3 OOcalc the same formula has result Err:502...
> Regards
> Chema

It means that that OOo2 Calc had bugs and OOo3 corrects them. The
Err:502 is telling you that you entered the formula/format incorrectly.
Please read the F1/Help section on times, formats:

Time Formats
To display hours, minutes and seconds use the following number format

To display seconds as fractions, add the decimal delimiter to your
number format code. For example, enter hh:mm:ss.00 to display the time
as "01:02:03.45".

If a time is entered in the form 02:03.45 or 01:02:03.45 or 25:01:02,
the following formats are assigned if no other time format has been
specified: MM:SS.00 or [HH]:MM:SS.00 or [HH]:MM:SS

So change your formula to ="1650:0:0" - C1 and it will work. Or as Brian
suggested, =TIME(1650;0;0) - C1

In OOo3 if I have

A1= 1650:00:00
A2= 1650:00:00
C1= =SUM(A1:A5)
the result in C1 is: 12:00:00

Now in C4 I put: ="1650:0:0" - C1
the result in C4 is 06:00:00

However, in the above you still get inaccurate results as the format is
[HH]:MM:SS. So 1650 get rounded to 18:00:00, etc. Change to:

A1= 16:50:00
A2= 16:50:00
C1= =SUM(A1:A5)
the result in C1 is: 09:40:00

Now in C4 I put: ="16:50:00" - C1
the result in C4 is 07:10:00

The results will be exactly the same in both OOo2 and OOo3 if you follow
the format. Put the above in OOo2 and you will see.

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